Monday, October 10, 2011


I'm back in the United States, after a month of living in Istanbul and not blogging. Blame the CELTA: the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, which my wife and I earned in a four-week intensive course that left us little time to do anything else.

Now it's done, we're both significantly poorer but with much stronger resumes, and I have time to write much more. Excellent.

Everything blurs together and I get an odd bit of writer's block when I try to describe what the experience was like, so please see Jenna's account of how she took the course and earned a (provisional) Pass A. (Our classmate Pinar also published a good write-up of her experience.)

I myself did not earn a Pass A, but I am fairly satisfied to be included in the group which encompasses the bottom 70% of all accepted students.

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